The discussion will focus on the way media and journalism covers issues like the rights of refugees, migrants, persons without citizenship and asylum seekers. Can we do more to raise awareness on these issues? Does the mainstream media give enough space to coverage of stories of this kind? What can journalists do to improve the media environment, so it can be more inclusive for coverage of important subjects like these? These are just a part of the questions we will discuss as a part of this event.
DATE: Fri, 23 Sep | 12:30
MODERATOR: Milka Smilevska
SPEAKER: Hristina Gjorgievska, Sunai Sabrioski, Kristina Ozimec
This activity is financed with the support of the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund within the joint project implemented by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and partner UN agencies. The contents of it do not necessarily reflect the views of the Fund, UHNCR and the partner UN agencies.